Hi All,
I have field called filename .SO i want to populate the result from the filename field and i created two joins to separate. Is there any other way without using Join
Success File and Failure File
| join CorrelationId type=left
[ | search index=mulesoft applicationName IN (TEST) AND message IN ("*File put Succesfully*" ,"*successful Call*" , "*file processed successfully*" , "*Archive file processed successfully*" , "*processed successfully for file name*")
| rename content.Filename as SuccessFileName correlationId as CorrelationId
| table CorrelationId SuccessFileName
| stats values(*) as * by CorrelationId]
| table CorrelationId InterfaceName ApplicationName FileList SuccessFileName Timestamp
| join CorrelationId type=left
[ | search index=mulesoft applicationName IN (p-oracle-fin-processor , p-oracle-fin-processor-2 , p-wd-finance-api) AND priority IN (ERROR,WARN)
| rename content.Filename as FailureFileName correlationId as CorrelationId timestamp as ErrorTimestamp content.ErrorType as ErrorType content.ErrorMsg as ErrorMsg
| table FailureFileName CorrelationId ErrorType ErrorMsg ErrorTimestamp
Hi @karthi2809,
to help you I need also the main search.
Anyway, you should:
Hi @gcusello
Yes for that i used stats values of filed name .But i cant able to seperate the error and succes file
This is my new query :
index=mulesoft environment=* (applicationName IN ("Test"))
| stats values(content.FileList{}) as FileList values(content.FileName) as Filename values(content.Filename) as filename1 min(timestamp) AS Logon_Time, max(timestamp) AS Logoff_Time BY correlationId applicationName
| eval Status=case(priority="ERROR","ERROR", priority="WARN","WARN", priority!="ERROR","SUCCESS")
| eval SuccessFileName=mvdedup(mvfilter(match(message, "%succesfully*") OR match(message, "Summary of all Batch*") ) )|eval SuccessFileName= coalesce(Filename,filename1)
| eval FailureFileName=mvdedup(mvfilter(match(priority, "WARN") OR match(priority, "ERROR") ) )|eval FailureFileName= coalesce(Filename,filename1)|table SuccessFileName FailureFileName
Hi @karthi2809,
after a stats command you have only the fields present in the stats command, so in your case you don't have priority and message fields that you would use in the evals after the stats.
Locate the eval before the stats and add the related fields to the stats.