I would like to know how select by default all checkboxes in input like this:
<input type="checkbox" token="hosts" searchWhenChanged="true" depends="somethig">
<label>host filter</label>
<query>* myFilter...
| stats by host
| table host
| sort host</query>
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
I found that but, not friendly usage for client.
<input type="checkbox" token="hosts" searchWhenChanged="true" depends="somethig">
<label>host filter</label>
<query>* myFilter...
| stats by host
| table host
| sort host</query>
<choice value="%">All</choice>
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
For this result :
In it's simplest form, you use a comma separated list:
<input type="checkbox" token="field1">
. . .
In your case where you have a dynamically generated list, unless your host list does not change often, the only choice you have is to call the URL of the form with the checklist pre-populated, e.g.
I do this myself (with subsets of my entire host list), but I use multiselect instead of checkboxes - not sure if the URL syntax is the same or not. Here's how I build the URL dynamically:
<div> <a href="your_dashboard_name?form.hosts=$hosts$" target="_blank">Name of URL in First Dashboard</a> </div>
The $hosts$ token in this code block is the token name of the multiselect in the first dashboard.
Try this
<input type="checkbox" token="hosts" searchWhenChanged="true" depends="somethig">
<label>host filter</label>
<query>* myFilter...
| stats by host
| table host
| sort host</query>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
Thanks for this post. I have seen this solution (my post) but not user friendly.
I don't want other checkbox, just all checkbox unknown checked.
Not possible ? End user just would like to unckeck box.