Splunk Search

How to search the license usage per index per department?

Path Finder

I want the license usages per index per department.

department 1 has indexes:

idx             volume
acc_jboss       100
prod_jboss      150
test_jboss      50

department 1 volume is 300

department 2 has indexes

idx             volume
prod_network    1000
acc_network     509
test_network    100

department 2 volume is 1609

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Revered Legend

Step 1: Create a lookup table file, say dept_index_lookup.csv with field department,index


Step 2 : Search License usage search like this

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=usage | stats sum(b) as usageGB by idx | eval usageGB=round(usage/1024/1024/1024,2)  | rename idx as index | lookup dept_index_lookup.csv index OUTPUT department | table department index usageGB
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