I'm writing a query for multiple login failures, and failures are also seen in exchange logs. I'm finding it difficult to search in two indexes where the fields showing the host are different:
The thing here is, we have a server which is seen ( both in windows and exchange logs , but with different field names ) and when seen in exchange logs, shows the device and command it issued which helps me investigate better. So if i see the server name in exchange index, i need to get the DeviceType and Cmd in my end report with other fields.
Under windows the servers show under "Caller_Computer_Name", and in exchange it shows up as "Host".
Indexes needed: Windows and exchange
Fields needed: Caller_Computer_Name, Account_Domain, ComputerName, timestamp, DeviceType ( field from exchange ), Cmd ( field from exchange)
index="windows_dc" EventCode="4740" | convert ctime(_time) as timestamp | stats count values(Caller_Computer_Name) as Caller_computer, values(Account_Domain) as Domain ,values(ComputerName) as ComputerName ,values(timestamp) as timestamp , by user | sort - count
Thanks Kishore
Hi Kishorebk,
take a look at this answer http://answers.splunk.com/answers/129424/how-to-compare-fields-over-multiple-sourcetypes-without-joi... to get an idea how it can be done.
cheers, MuS