Lets say you have logs containing the virus name and the host IP address like:
VirusName=conficker HostIP=
VirusName=conficker HostIP=
VirusName=conficker HostIP=
VirusName=conficker HostIP=
VirusName=conficker HostIP=
Try a search that generates a new field for the subnet, containing only the first three oktets, and then perform a stats count by subnet:
search | rex field=HostIP "(?<Subnet>.*)\." | stats count(VirusName) AS Count by Subnet | where Count > 3
Try something like this
your base search | rex field=HostIP "^(?<IPSubnet>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)" | stats dc(HostIP) as AffectedHostCount by VirusName,IPSubnet | where AffectedHostCount >=3
please can you provide a update on this issue
thanks somesoni2 , can you have above search amended so it lists the events within the same hour and also shows computername
The field available are