Hi @dordavid ... From the post -
your search | eval result=if(like(field2,"%".field1."%"),"Contained","Not Contained")
| where match(field2,field1)
Hi @dordavid,
let me understand:
Only one question: do you want to match field from search 2 with only one field from search_1 or in all the _raw?
In the second case you can use the following search:
your_search_1 [ search your_search_2 | rename field_2 AS query | fields query ]
| ...
in the first case (if field_1 is the field in the search_1 and field_2 is the field in search_2), try something like this:
your_search_1 [ search your_search_2 | eval field_1="*".field_2."*" | fields field_1 ]
| ...
In this second case the fields in main search and subsearch must have the same name (case sensitive).
i will give u an example:
i have a two fields:
1) message
2) str
- lets assume that str contains the string "high cpu".
- i want to search all the logs which their message field contain the value of str: all the logs which their message field contain "high cpu".
-i want to do it dynamically - something like that:
index = a | search message= {str}* // all logs with message field which contain the content of str field