I have developed a search, with help years ago, that will show differences in a netstat command using "diff" and "head 2".
index=foo host=bar sourcetype=netstat
| head 2
| diff
| search NOT "Results are the Same"
The netstat runs every hour with a scripted input, and the search runs hourly to see if anything has changed. If it has, an alert fires.
As you can see, the search specifies a host. However, what if I wanted to run this search across many hosts? Would I have to create a separate search for each host? Or is there some Splunk magic I can utilize?
Thanks for your time!
The diff command can only compare 2 result/row, so having multiple host entries would not work. If you don't need "diff command type output" and just looking to alert when current netstat output of a host is different then previous entry, you can do something like this.
index=foo sourcetype=netstat
| table host _raw | dedup 2 host
| streamstats count as sno by host
| chart values(_raw) over host by sno
| where '1'!='2'
The dedup command will just list two entries for a host, most recent and 2nd recent. The streamstats command just give a serial number to them which'll be 1 and 2 since there will be only two entries after dedup. The chart command will give a output with field host, 1 (which will have most recent event's raw data) and 2 (which will have 2nd recent event's raw data). The where clause just compare both.
This looks very promising. I am pushing our netstat config to more boxes to test this. Where does "sno" come into play in the search? Thanks again!!
The search is definitely working, and thank you!
But for some reason, when I set it up as an alert, I can't get it to send an email? I am setting it to "events greater to zero", just like every other alert we've configured.
Am I missing something?
Sorry for the delay, and thank you for posting! . I will be trying this soon. Thanks again!
Can you not do dedup host?
index=foo host=* sourcetype=netstat
| dedup 2 host
Can you explain this a little further on what this would be doing? Thanks!
so | head 2 will give you the latest 2 entries for the host you specified.
by making host=* and adding | dedup 2 host, you are retaining the latest 2 entries for every host