I have created a search that will trigger if no events from the following search is being returned
index=ipl_prod source="e:\\logs\\icc-application.log" sourcetype="log4j:ipl" operationName=hentOpptjeningsperioder status=OK
Search is only being triggerd during business hours Monday to Friday, problem is that I cannot instruct the cron schedule to not trigger on holidays. Holidays means no activity, so to make it a bit easier to evaluate if this is a false positive or not I want to add to the email being sent statistics of all statuses. Then we know if no other statuses has been found either, it is safe to ignore.
index=ipl_prod source="e:\\logs\\icc-application.log" sourcetype="log4j:ipl" operationName=hentOpptjeningsperioder status=OK [if no eventes then subsearch and return those events]
| appendpipe
[stats count as _rows
| where _rows=0
| eval status="no rows found"]
Hi @rune_hellem,
let me understand: you want to exclude results i holidays to avoid false positives, is it correct?
if this is your need, I solved this problem using a lookup containing all the holidays of the week, something like this:
day fest
2022-01-01 0
2022-01-02 0
2022-01-03 1
2022-01-04 1
2022-01-05 1
2022-01-06 0
2022-01-07 1
2022-01-08 0
2022-01-09 0
2022-01-10 1
and so on
in this way you can a condition to your search to be sure that in week-ends and holidays you don't have results, something like this:
index=ipl_prod source="e:\\logs\\icc-application.log" sourcetype="log4j:ipl" operationName=hentOpptjeningsperioder status=OK
| eval day=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d")
| lookup calendar.csv day OUTPUT fest
| search fest=1
| ...
(called e.g. calendar.csv)