I have an input string which contains strings like code =test1 description=test1 description status = pending,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED, code =test3 description=test3 description status = COMPLETED_FIRST,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED,
Expected Ouput
Code count
test2 2
test3 1
Basically i am looking for whose status is completed or starts with completed word those code name and completion count in the result. Can anyone please help me on this.
if you have all the fields in the same event, you have to divide it using something like this:
| makeresults
| eval _raw="code =test1 description=test1 description status = pending,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED, code =test3 description=test3 description status = COMPLETED_FIRST,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTE."
| rex max_match=0 "(?<event>[^,\.]+)"
| mvexpand event
| rex field=event "code\s*\=\s*(?<code>\w*)"
| rex field=event "status\s*\=\s*(?<status>\w*)"
| stats count BY code status
when you arrive at the last raw, you can aggregate as you like.
if you want to know only the codes where the status is "COMPLETED", you could run:
index=your_index status=COMPLETED
| stats count BY Code
if you want also add all the information about status, you could run:
| stats count BY Code status
code =test1 description=test1 description status = pending,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED, code =test3 description=test3 description status = COMPLETED_FIRST,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTE. This input is a single string. I do not have data in table format.I tried with the solution provided by you .it is not working
Luckily each test segment is delimited by comma. You can use that to break the raw input into individual events, like this:
| eval data = split(_raw, ",")
| mvexpand data
| rename data AS _raw
| extract
Ultimately, though, your developer should consider breaking the events in raw logs.
Below is data emulation you can play with and compare with your real data.
| makeresults
| eval _raw = "code =test1 description=test1 description status = pending,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED, code =test3 description=test3 description status = COMPLETED_FIRST,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTE."
``` data emulation above ```
| rex max_match=0 "code\s*=\s*(?<code>\S+)"
| stats count by code
if you have all the fields in the same event, you have to divide it using something like this:
| makeresults
| eval _raw="code =test1 description=test1 description status = pending,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTED, code =test3 description=test3 description status = COMPLETED_FIRST,code =test2 description=test2 description status = COMPLTE."
| rex max_match=0 "(?<event>[^,\.]+)"
| mvexpand event
| rex field=event "code\s*\=\s*(?<code>\w*)"
| rex field=event "status\s*\=\s*(?<status>\w*)"
| stats count BY code status
when you arrive at the last raw, you can aggregate as you like.