I am trying to see how can we return 0 if no results are found using timechart for a span of 30minutes.i tried using fill null but its not working
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |timechart span=30m count |fillnull value=0
but when I am using a stats command I get the count as 0.
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |stats count
Try like this
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |timechart span=30m count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time | table _time count]
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |timechart span=30m count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval time=info_min_time." ".info_max_time | table time count | makemv time| mvexpand time | rename time as _time | timechart span=30m max(count) as count]
Try like this
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |timechart span=30m count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time | table _time count]
index=abc sourcetype=qwe HTTP_Code=502 |timechart span=30m count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval time=info_min_time." ".info_max_time | table time count | makemv time| mvexpand time | rename time as _time | timechart span=30m max(count) as count]
I tried this but the output gives you only one time, I am trying to break down into buckets of 30 minutes
Try the updated answer
the update one is the one works for me !
That worked thank you very much you are always helpful
try using |makecontinuous span=30m _time |timechart span=30m count
No luck with that