I have a search that returns a large amount of information in each row, resulting in many columns, most of which I don't want in this dashboard.
How do I restrict it to the columns I want?
For example: User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad.
Sweet! Thank you. Now I need to figure out how to format my dashboard to just have the title of the column not be "metadata.x"
where x = the metadata subcategory.
Hi jtpryan,
You could use rename command to change display name.
|index="" sourcetype=""
|spath input =_raw
|table User, metadata.Stack_Name, metadata.Functional_Area, metadata.Squad
|rename metadata.Stack_Name as Stack_Name,metadata.Functional_Area as Functional_Area, metadata.Squad as Squad.
Please accept and upvote answers if it solved your issue.
Happy Splunking!!
| makeresults
| eval _raw="{ \"build_number\": 546,
\"build_url\": \"blar\",
\"event_tab\": \"build_report\",
\"job_name\": \"blar\",
\"job_result\": \"SUCCESS\",
\"metadata\": {
\"FUNCTOONAL_AREA\": \"DevOps\",
\"JMX_FILE\": \"Sample-Test-Plan/sendMessageTest\",
\"SQUAD_NAME\": \"SquadNameChong\",
\"STACK_NAME\": \"DevOps-jmeter\",
\"TEST_REPO_BRANCH\": \"feature/EFORTS\",
\"scm\": \"git\" },
\"page_num\": 1,
\"testsuite\": { },
\"user\": \"blar\" }"
| spath
| table metadata* user
Hi, The field name under metadata is
metadata. fieldname
Hi JtPryan,
Looks likes your source data is in JSON format.
Could you please try parsing the data.You could use "spath " command as below.
|index="" sourcetype=""
|spath input =_raw
|table User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad
Hi Jtpryan,
You could use either "table" command or "fields" commands to include or exclude fields.
1)Table command
This is a transforming command and will include only the fields which are mentioned in the command.
Only User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad will get displayed as per below example.
|table User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad
2)Fields command
This is used to either include or exclude any fields.Also displays the internal fields - with underscores like _time,useful to plot
charts in some cases.Uses + and - symbols to specify inclusion or exclusion.
Only User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad will get displayed and the internals fields are available to use.
|fields + User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad
All fields EXCEPT User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad will get displayed
|fields - User, Stack_Name, Functional_Area, Squad.
Happy Splunking!!
Hi @jtpryan
did you explored the table command?
So, please, try something like this:
| table User Stack_Name Functional_Area Squad
For more infos see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/SearchReference/Table