sample event
| makeresults
| rename COMMENT AS "this is sample data"
| makemv delim="," raw
| mvexpand raw
| eval tmp=1
| xyseries tmp raw _time
| fields - tmp
| rename COMMENT AS "this is sample data"
| rename \"*\" as *
I tried to remove double quotes for field names.
the easiest way to do at index time is by using SEDCMD script:
This is run anywhere search to test the script:
| makeresults
| rex mode=sed "s/\"(\w+)\"/\1/g"
You would need to do this using CLI:
1) On the machine that runs Splunk Enterprise, create a props.conf in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local directory. If the file already exists, proceed to the next step.
2) Open $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf with a text editor.
3) Add the following stanza to reference the transform that you created in inputs.conf to do the masking transformation.
SEDCMD-remove_dquotes= s/\"(\w+)\"/\1/g
Save the file and close it.
Restart Splunk Enterprise.
please specify what to insert in Transforms.conf
Hey Mayur,
The data is already ingested. I would need to do this in search time.
and the below is just the field names but there are around 100k events with actual data in which i need to extract the data without the double quotes
| makeresults
| rename COMMENT AS "this is sample data"
| eval _raw=replace(_raw,"\"","")
Hi, how about it?
the below is just the field names but there are around 100k events with actual data in which i need to extract the data without the double quotes