I have an API call that is bringing in json data to my Splunk environment. When I do a basic query of the index, I can see that every event is properly parsed in the 'list view':
definition: { [-]
knowledgeBases: [ [+]
name: xxxxx
published: xxxxx
threatIndicators: Privilege_Escalation
uniqueId: xxxx
firstFound: xxxxx
lastFound: xxxxx
status: Active
target: { [+]
RiskRating: Medium
RiskScore: 4.58
Solution: Service teams should upgrade the impacted package
This data is then being utilized in an accelerated datamodel for a few dashboards.
However, I noticed when using tstats in the queries, a lot of the results were missing.
I then tried troubleshooting the data within the index using 'table' and realized i need to use |spath to get the fields to display correctly in my table. Does anyone have any insight into this, or how to possibly use spath within a tstats query?
Can you clarify the problem a little more?
Are you saying that the data is not found in the accelerated data model? If so, it might be that you need to do an spath or other field manipulation in the DMA search to get the fields in the correct format that the DM is looking for.