Splunk Search

How to pass a cancellation token as an argument to cancel the search?



I'm using the .NET SDK and I cannot find how to pass a cancellation token as an argument to cancel the search.

Is there any way to do it?

Thank you

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@david_blanco  Does this article help? https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/Is-there-a-search-or-REST-command-to-stop-running-sear...

Ultimately you'd need to submit the .net equivalent of the following (the job id here is for example, and you would need to know the job id):

curl -k -u admin:<pwd> --request DELETE https://localhost:8089/services/search/jobs/1416293763.77



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curl -k -u admin:<pwd> --request DELETE https://localhost:8089/services/search/jobs/1416293763.77





Thank you for your help. That worked for me!


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Hi, thank you for your reply.

I see your point.

That could be a workaround by invoking a new call to Splunk. But IMHO, it's not the most elegant solution in .NET since we're using async/await and Task library.


Why not take advantage of a feature included on the System.Threading Library?

CancellationTokenSource.Cancel Method 



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