Splunk Search

How to parse json with SPL?

Path Finder

Hi Splunk Community,

I am looking to create a search that can help me extract a specific key/value pair within a nested json data.

The tricky part is that the nested json data is within an array of dictionaries with same keys. I want to extract a particular key/value within a dictionary only when a particular key is equal to a specific value. 

Sample JSON below..
{Key1: "Value1",
Key2: {
subKey2_1: "sub value1 for key2",
subKey2_2: [
{subkey2_2_key1: "value1_sub22",
subkey2_2_key2: "value2_sub22"
{subkey2_2_key1: "value1_sub22_2",
subkey2_2_key2: "value2_sub22_2 ---- value interested in "
{subkey2_2_key1: "value1_sub22_3",
subkey2_2_key2: "value2_sub22_3"
subKey2_3: "sub value3 for key2"
Key3: "Value3",
Key4: "Value4"


I am looking to extract the value for  -->"subkey2_2_key2"

when -- > subkey2_2_key1: "value1_sub22_2"

Labels (5)
0 Karma
1 Solution


Hi @Strangertinz,

Depending on your exact data format, something like this may work:

| makeresults | eval _raw="{\"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": { \"subKey2_1\": \"sub value1 for key2\", \"subKey2_2\": [ {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22\" }, {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22_2\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22_2 ---- value interested in \" }, {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22_3\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22_3\" } ], \"subKey2_3\": \"sub value3 for key2\" }, \"Key3\": \"Value3\", \"Key4\": \"Value4\"}"
``` Above is just generating the data ```

| spath path="Key2{}.subKey2_2{}" output="json"
| fromjson json
| mvexpand json
| spath input=json
| search subkey2_2_key1="value1_sub22_2"
| table subkey2_2_key1, subkey2_2_key2


That gives you:




If you don't want to figure out the spath path (Key2{}.subKey2_2{}) then you can just use the fromjson command:

``` As above... then: ```
| fromjson _raw
| fromjson Key2
| mvexpand subKey2_2
| fromjson subKey2_2
| search subkey2_2_key1="value1_sub22_2"
| table subkey2_2_key1, subKey2_2_key2, *


Hopefully that points you in the right direction.




View solution in original post

0 Karma

Path Finder
Hi Danspav! Thanks the response certainly solved the hurdle I was on.. However, I am now stuck again on a different problem,
Is there a way for me to create a table output of the output of the json keys (possibly filter the keys to be a different name as well to represent their uniqueness).  Example below..
Json data:
     Key1: "Value1",
     Key2: {
          subKey2_1: "sub value1 for key2",
     Manifest: [
            flight: "start",
            City: "Los Angeles"
            code: 7870
            Inventory: {
                snacks: 300
                status: "full"
             flight: "end",
            City: "Las Vegas"
            code: 7470
            Inventory: {
                 snacks: 56
                 status: "near empty"
subKey2_3: "sub value3 for key2"
    Key3: "Value3",
    Key4: "Value4"
I am looking to create a table with a single row of the fields and values below 
Field  = Value 
city_origin = "Los Angeles"
code_origin = 7870
city_end = "Las Vegas"
code_end = 7470
inventory_status_end="near empty"
0 Karma


HI @Strangertinz,

Try this search:


| makeresults | eval _raw="{ \"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": { \"subKey2_1\": \"sub value1 for key2\", \"Manifest\": [{ \"flight\": \"start\", \"City\": \"Los Angeles\", \"code\": 7870, \"Inventory\": { \"snacks\": 300, \"status\": \"full\" } }, { \"flight\": \"end\", \"City\": \"Las Vegas\", \"code\": 7470, \"Inventory\": { \"snacks\": 56, \"status\": \"near empty\" } } ], \"subKey2_3\": \"sub value3 for key2\" }, \"Key3\": \"Value3\", \"Key4\": \"Value4\"}"
| fromjson _raw
``` Above is just to format the data into a JSON event```

``` Get the JSON data from Key2```
| fromjson Key2
``` Split out the origin and destination fields```
| eval Origin = mvindex(Manifest,0)
| eval Destination = mvindex(Manifest,1)
| fields - Manifest, _raw, _time, Key2
``` Update the field names so we know which was Origin and which was Destination```
| rex mode=sed field=Origin "s/\"([^\"]+)\":/\"\\1_Origin\":/g"
| rex mode=sed field=Destination "s/\"([^\"]+)\":/\"\\1_Destination\":/g"

``` Extract all the fields from the JSON array ```
| fromjson Destination
| fromjson Origin
| fromjson Inventory_Destination
| fromjson Inventory_Origin
| fields - Inventory_End, Inventory_Origin

``` Table everything out on one row ```
| table City_Origin, code_Origin, snacks_Origin, status_Origin, City_Destination, code_Destination, snacks_Destination, status_Destination

I'm using rex mode=sed to update the JSON with more descriptive names for the duplicated fields.

The output is:


Is that what you were looking for?



0 Karma


Hi @Strangertinz,

Depending on your exact data format, something like this may work:

| makeresults | eval _raw="{\"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\": { \"subKey2_1\": \"sub value1 for key2\", \"subKey2_2\": [ {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22\" }, {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22_2\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22_2 ---- value interested in \" }, {\"subkey2_2_key1\": \"value1_sub22_3\", \"subkey2_2_key2\": \"value2_sub22_3\" } ], \"subKey2_3\": \"sub value3 for key2\" }, \"Key3\": \"Value3\", \"Key4\": \"Value4\"}"
``` Above is just generating the data ```

| spath path="Key2{}.subKey2_2{}" output="json"
| fromjson json
| mvexpand json
| spath input=json
| search subkey2_2_key1="value1_sub22_2"
| table subkey2_2_key1, subkey2_2_key2


That gives you:




If you don't want to figure out the spath path (Key2{}.subKey2_2{}) then you can just use the fromjson command:

``` As above... then: ```
| fromjson _raw
| fromjson Key2
| mvexpand subKey2_2
| fromjson subKey2_2
| search subkey2_2_key1="value1_sub22_2"
| table subkey2_2_key1, subKey2_2_key2, *


Hopefully that points you in the right direction.




0 Karma
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