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How to parse json data containing an array and plot it on a bargraph,How to Iterate through a json array in splunk data

New Member

I have a very limited knowledge of splunk. I am trying to parse json data containing an array and plot it on a bargraph.

The splunk events look like this:

event {
   project_name: "project1"
   data : [

There are multiple projects for which this event is sent. Each event has a json array with data about "type" ( ranging from type1 to type 6). There can be multiple such events with same project name over time.
What I want to do is to take the last event for each "project_name" and plot a bar graph comparing "coverage" for different "type"s for different projects.
Anyone has any ideas how I might achieve that.

,I have data with the following structure:

event {
project_name: "project1"
data: [

There are multiple different projects from project1 to projectn. Different events can have same project name.
What I want to do is get the latest event for a each project and plot a bar graph comparing "coverage" of each project for a given "type".

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Hi @aayushr,

Can you try following search? This search will gives you all project's details having latest event has type=type1.

| dedup project_name 
| rename data{}.coverage as coverage,data{}.covered as covered, data{}.missed as missed, data{}.type as type 
| eval temp = mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(coverage,covered),missed),type) 
| stats count by _time project_name temp 
| eval coverage=mvindex(split(temp,","),0), covered=mvindex(split(temp,","),1),missed=mvindex(split(temp,","),2),type=mvindex(split(temp,","),3) 
| where type="type1" 
| table project_name type missed covered coverage

Following is my sample search:

| makeresults | eval _raw="{\"project_name\":\"project1\",\"data\":[{\"type\":\"type1\",\"missed\":1381,\"covered\":177,\"coverage\":11},{\"type\":\"type2\",\"missed\":11797,\"covered\":3134,\"coverage\":20},{\"type\":\"type3\",\"missed\":2638,\"covered\":613,\"coverage\":18},{\"type\":\"type4\",\"missed\":1577,\"covered\":140,\"coverage\":8}]}" | append [| makeresults | eval _raw="{\"project_name\":\"project2\",\"data\":[{\"type\":\"type1\",\"missed\":1381,\"covered\":177,\"coverage\":11},{\"type\":\"type2\",\"missed\":11797,\"covered\":3134,\"coverage\":20},{\"type\":\"type3\",\"missed\":2638,\"covered\":613,\"coverage\":18},{\"type\":\"type4\",\"missed\":1577,\"covered\":140,\"coverage\":80}]}" ] | kv | dedup project_name | rename data{}.coverage as coverage,data{}.covered as covered, data{}.missed as missed, data{}.type as type | eval temp = mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(coverage,covered),missed),type) | stats count by _time project_name temp | eval coverage=mvindex(split(temp,","),0), covered=mvindex(split(temp,","),1),missed=mvindex(split(temp,","),2),type=mvindex(split(temp,","),3) | where type="type1" | table project_name type missed covered coverage

You can add criteria in where condition as per your requirement. Let me know if any further assistance required.
Happy Splunking

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