timechart will not be able to do this. Just plain stats would help you with ordering based on values, but will not have _time in this case:
sourcetype=test2| stats sum(Count) as Count by Name| sort - Count
This may not be helpful, but I would strongly advise against doing this. Having the bars potentially change order with every time-slice would make the overall presentation confusing and difficult to parse.
you got a point! it's a customer request and I couldn't figure out a solution.
is there a way to do with just regular chart?
Could you explain more about expected output by some sample values?
say with in 5 mins we have A100, B 1000, C 50. right now plain vanilla timechart with bar will order by legend name. Instead of the order of A B C, we would like to see an order of BAC from top to bottom as B has the largest value. Hope this explains.