I have two sets of records, let's call them V1 and V2. They both share a common field called ITEM. I basically need a way of saying return to me to items that are not common. So for instance, I would use a join command to join item values that are common - I need the opposite of that, wherein where items dont match, return that data.
Hi mahbs,
Think simple and avoid using join whenever possible.
Supposing that your sets of data have different indexes, a simple stats like this should do :
index=V1index OR index=V2index | stats count(index) as unique by ITEM | where unique < 2
This will give you all the ITEM that are in either in data set v1 or v2 but not both.
Another easy way to do it is:
index=V1index OR index=V2index | stats values(index) as type by ITEM | search NOT (type="v1" AND type="v2")
here you will have the unique items, the set to which it belongs.
Hi mahbs,
I suppose that in V1 and V2 you have only one occurrance of ITEM so it's possible to compare one record of V1 with one record of V2
| rename field1 AS field1_v1 field2 AS field2_v1 field3 AS field3_v1
| join ITEM [ search searchV2 | rename field1 AS field1_v1 field2 AS field2_v1 field3 AS field3_v1 ]
| search NOT (field1_v1=field1_v2 OR field2_v1=field2_v2 OR field3_v1=field3_v2)
| table _time field1_v1 field1_v2 field2_v1 field2_v2 field3_v1 field3_v2
or better
searchV1 OR searchV2
| eval
| stats
values(field1_v1) AS field1_v1
values(field2_v1) AS field2_v1
values(field3_v1) AS field3_v1
values(field1_v2) AS field1_v2
values(field2_v2) AS field2_v2
values(field3_v2) AS field3_v2
| search NOT (field1_v1=field1_v2 OR field2_v1=field2_v2 OR field3_v1=field3_v2)
| table _time field1_v1 field1_v2 field2_v1 field2_v2 field3_v1 field3_v2
The second one is quicker.
try this run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval item="cereal cloths pen pencil"
| makemv item
| mvexpand item
| eval check="csv1"
| append
[| makeresults
| eval item="tv tiffin brush cereal cloths eraser"
| makemv item
| mvexpand item
| eval check="csv2" ]
| fields- _time
| stats dc(check) as count by item
| where count=1
| fields item
| rename item as "missing item list"
In your environment, you should write
index=<your_index> v1=* | dedup ITEM | table ITEM |eval ITEM=lower(ITEM)
| eval check="v1"
| append
[search index=<your_index> v2=* | dedup ITEM | table ITEM |eval ITEM=lower(ITEM)
| eval check="v2" ]
| stats dc(check) as count by ITEM
| where count=1
| fields ITEM
| rename ITEM as "missing ITEM list"
let me know if this helps!
you want uncommon values from both v1 and v2?
Yesss! Is it possible?
totally possible bro! check my query