Hi ,
I need to make a graph for the delta_f where i am finding the difference of current value and next value . By using the query below I get some negative values. Can any one help me find what needs to be added in my search to convert all the negative values into positive values?
|search abc| eval delta_f= nextValues - currentValues | timechart span=1d sum(delta_f)
eg: say for delta_f = (nextvalue) - (currentvalue)
0000986 - 5362722 = -5361736 Instead i want only 5361736
Pipe results to an eval statement like
eval delta_f = abs(delta_f)
Which converts to absolute value
Pipe results to an eval statement like
eval delta_f = abs(delta_f)
Which converts to absolute value
Yep that worked . Thanks a lot !
Hi @nramya82
Glad @adauria_splunk helped you find your solution 🙂 You used eval to find the difference between your field values, but there actually is a delta command for this purpose, just so you know for future reference. Check out the documentation for it here: