I have a search which produces c:\folder\folder\folder\folder\file.exe as results. I want to remove file.exe so that I'm left with c:\folder\folder\folder\folder. It's unknown how many subfolders may exist in my search results. Any help with the regex syntax would be great.
Thank you
Hi erictodor,
you can use a regex like this
your_search | rex field=your_field "(?<path>.*)\\\w*\.\w+$"
That didn't work. I managed to make this regex work in a simulator but I'm not sure why I can't get the syntax to work in Splunk
\.+\w+\' (works in simulator)
"(?<'path'>)\.+\w+\" (attempt at Splunk regex logic)
try with
your_search | rex field=your_field "(?<path>.*)\\\\\w*\.\w+$" | table path
this is an example that runs on my Splunk
| head 1
| eval my_field="c:\folder\folder\folder\folder\file.exe"
| rex field=my_field "(?<path>.*)\\\\\w*\.\w+$"
| table path
result is c:\folder\folder\folder\folder