Hey everyone,
I've got a search
search = *
| eval _time=_time - (6*60*60)
| bucket _time span=1d
# Takes the current time and rolls it back six hours. We operate on a 6am-6am reporting schedule.
| eval MaterialType = case(match(lotNumber,"regex") OR lotNumber = "WasteLots","Waste",match(field1,"regex"),"Production")
# Designates each event as a waste event (using the Lot #) or a production event (using the value in field1)
| where isnotnull(MaterialType)
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%m/%d/%y")
| chart sum(netWeightQty) by time, MaterialType
| eval _time=_time + (6*60*60)
Now this | chart generates the following:
How can I get a value, for each date, of Waste% = 100 * Waste / (Production + Waste)?
Just add the same to the end of your search i.e
|eval "Waste%" = (100 * Waste) / (Production + Waste)
Just add the same to the end of your search i.e
|eval "Waste%" = (100 * Waste) / (Production + Waste)
Welp. Definitely didn't realize it was that easy.
Quick question: how can I go about getting the visualization to work? I am using the "Single value" option, with trend, and it is only taking the waste% value for the first date in the span and reporting it.
Edit: Playing around with the | timechart command now.
Alright, just one suggestion - try not to change the _time . use another variable for calculations to and use that variable instead.