Hey Splunk experts,
Please see if you can help me on this:
I created a choroplet map chart and it is receiving the following 3 values: 1, 3 and 5 (1 means a sad face | 3 means an OK face | 5 means a happy face).
Chart is working fine, but the legend keeps changing it's interval every new data received. Is it possible to keep the legend static?
1 - 2.5: (sad face)
2.6 - 3.5: (OK face)
3.6 - 5: (happy face)
Is it possible?
How are you implementing this mapping? In SPL or XML? It would help to show us the full simpleXML for a dashboard that has just this 1 panel.
Hey @woodcock!
It's in SPL:
index=msahc sourcetype=msahc_raw | rex "(?<json_field>{[^}]+})" | mvexpand json_field | spath input=json_field | search "ERnE Dashboard" OR "HowUFeeling Survey" OR "TBO Dashboard" group="*" country="*" | eval ServerName=upper(ServerName) | rename mood as "Mood", comment as "Comment", country as "Country" | stats avg(Mood) by Country | geom geo_countries featureIdField="Country" | rename avg(Mood) as "Mood Average"
The XML for the dashboard is:
<label>Team Happiness</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="time" searchWhenChanged="true" token="myTime">
<label>SELECT THE TIME RANGE:</label>
<input type="dropdown" searchWhenChanged="true" token="myLocation">
<label>SELECT YOUR LOCATION:</label>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<query>index=msahc sourcetype=msahc_raw | rex "(?<json_field>{[^}]+})" | mvexpand json_field | spath input=json_field | dedup country | fields country | sort country</query>
<input type="dropdown" searchWhenChanged="true" token="myTeam">
<label>SELECT YOUR TEAM:</label>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<query>index=msahc sourcetype=msahc_raw | rex "(?<json_field>{[^}]+})" | mvexpand json_field | spath input=json_field | search country=$myLocation|s$ | dedup group | fields group | sort group</query>
<query>index=msahc sourcetype=msahc_raw | rex "(?<json_field>{[^}]+})" | mvexpand json_field | spath input=json_field | search "ERnE Dashboard" OR "HowUFeeling Survey" OR "TBO Dashboard" group="*" country="*" | eval ServerName=upper(ServerName) | rename mood as "Mood", comment as "Comment", country as "Country" | stats avg(Mood) by Country | geom geo_countries featureIdField="Country" | rename avg(Mood) as "Mood Average"</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="mapping.type">choropleth</option>