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How to make a timechart by shift?


Hi all, 

I am trying to create a timechart that divides the data by 12 hour shifts. I have
| timechart span = 12h (followed by all the data)

How do I make each span start at 0600 and 1800? 


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1 Solution


Align your time period to 6pm for example


Rather than using timechart, you could split it up into the different steps.

| bin span=12h _time
| stats your metrics by your groups and _time
| xyseries _time group metric

However, this will align to midnight and noon, so make adjustments before and after

| eval _time=relative_time(_time,"-6h")
| bin span=12h _time
| stats your metrics by your groups and _time
| eval _time=relative_time(_time,"+6h")
| xyseries _time group metric


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Align your time period to 6pm for example


Rather than using timechart, you could split it up into the different steps.

| bin span=12h _time
| stats your metrics by your groups and _time
| xyseries _time group metric

However, this will align to midnight and noon, so make adjustments before and after

| eval _time=relative_time(_time,"-6h")
| bin span=12h _time
| stats your metrics by your groups and _time
| eval _time=relative_time(_time,"+6h")
| xyseries _time group metric


0 Karma


That worked wonderfully, thank you. One thing though, for some reason the +-6 adjusted mine to 10am and pm. No worries though, I just made it +-2 and it worked. Probably has to do with time zone. Thanks again

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