I have an index called index=advanced_hunting and in this index there is a field called category, where there are several categories like
AdvancedHunting-DeviceNetworkEvents etc
I'm trying to look into the AdvancedHunting-DeviceFileEvents category to look at what files have been deleted, but the logs in that specific category don't feature the properties.AccountName i.e. the person, it does however, have a filed called properties.DeviceName.
However, the category of AdvancedHunting-DeviceLogonEvents does have a field called properties.AccountName, as well as properties.DeviceName.
So I was wondering if it's possible to connect the properties.AccountName and properties.DeviceName together so I can see who has deleted something
Hi @jhilton90,
in Splunk it's possible to join two fields using eval command:
| eval new_field='properties.AccountName'."-".'properties.DeviceName'
there could be an issue related to the dot in the field name, so please try this:
| rename properties.AccountName AS AccountName properties.DeviceName AS DeviceName
| eval new_field=AccountName."-".DeviceName
Hi @jhilton90,
in Splunk it's possible to join two fields using eval command:
| eval new_field='properties.AccountName'."-".'properties.DeviceName'
there could be an issue related to the dot in the field name, so please try this:
| rename properties.AccountName AS AccountName properties.DeviceName AS DeviceName
| eval new_field=AccountName."-".DeviceName
Hi @jhilton90 ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
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