Splunk Search

How to input a file and retrieve output in splunk dashboard?


Hi Team, I have a query that executes in my dashboard. I want to provide the input as a CSV file(with list of IDs) and execute the query? Could you please help me on how to do that? Currently my input : "5741242" My query : (below)

index="amp" (application="create-order" ) "5741242" | rex field=message "(?msi)(?\{.+\})" | spath input=json_message output=externalReferenceId path=correlationId | spath message | rex field=message "\"name\":\"(?(.[^\"]+))" | spath message | rex field=message "\"externalId\":\"(?(.[^\"]+))" | spath input=json_message output=OrderStatus path=data.version | table externalReferenceId, _time,customername,OrderID,OrderStatus,BookingId,AppointmentId

Thanks in advance! Daniel Joseph

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