Using the below query, I am trying to build a response
index=my_index openshift_cluster="cluster009" sourcetype=openshift_logs openshift_namespace=my_ns openshift_container_name=container
| search ("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP" OR "POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=LOYALTY HTTP")
| eval Operations=case(searchmatch("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP"),"type_SSO",searchmatch("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=LOYALTY HTTP"),"type_LOYALTY") | stats avg(processDuration) as average perc90(processDuration) as response90 by Operations | eval average=round(average,2),response90=round(response90,2)
Operations | average | response90 |
type_LOYALTY | 212 | 888 |
type_SSO | 300 | 442 |
The above search does not return any table data. I am sure its due to the question-mark character present in in searchmatch and is not being handled as it should be.
Because if I
1) do a plain search, I get the events returned
| search ("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP" OR "POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=LOYALTY HTTP")
2) remove by Operations from the query, it returns me the average and response90 value table data
Can someone help me how to handle this.
Hi @super_edition
It's actually the = that it being interpretted as a kv pair. Try these options
searchmatch("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1\=SSO HTTP")
searchmatch("\"POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP\"")
searchmatch(TERM(POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP))
Hope that helps
Hi @super_edition
It's actually the = that it being interpretted as a kv pair. Try these options
searchmatch("POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1\=SSO HTTP")
searchmatch("\"POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP\"")
searchmatch(TERM(POST /myvalue/mytoken/v1?s1=SSO HTTP))
Hope that helps
Thanks @yeahnah it worked.