I'm able to get the response in a tabular format using the command:
table clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, version, timeTaken
What I want is to do some aggregation on them and get the result like:
Basically, group by clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, and version to get the total calls and the average time.
The below command is clearly misleading:
stats count(clientName) as TotalCalls, avg(timeTaken) as avgTimeTakenS by clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, version
Please help.
I've sent these details to our internal Splunk team and am waiting for their response.
In the meantime, I can accept both your answers as the solution since you took the time to provide some assistance, or can wait till I hear back from my team.
Please advise.
No sir, that didn't work. It still gave me a much higher number for the total calls.
Adding more details, this is how the message looks like:
[11:06:04 INF 7166e33f-bde7-49dd-aa72-523d8e7501a9] Server|Transaction|POST|aa72-523d8e7501a9|c1|200|0.2||GetProduct|ElasticSearch|3|/v1/getproduct
index=nprod sourcetype="xxxxxx" "Server|Transaction" | rex field=msg "Transaction\|[\"]?(?P<verb>[\w]*)[\"]?\|[\"]?(?P<correlationId>[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)[\"]?\|[\"]?(?P<clientName>[\w]*)[\"]?\|(?P<httpStatus>\d*)\|(?P<timeTaken>[\d.]*)\|[\"]?(?P<clientIP>[\d.]*)[\"]?\|[\"]?(?P<apiMethod>[\w]*)[\"]?\|[\"]?(?P<sourceSystem>[\w]*)[\"]?\|(?:(?P<version>[\d]+)?)" | eval version=coalesce(version, "N/A") | table clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, version, timeTaken | stats count as totalCalls avg(timeTaken) as avgTimeTaken by clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, version | eval avgTimeTaken=round(avgTimeTaken, 2)
The version is an optional field so I'm coalescing it to 'NA' when it's not present.
Given that clientIP and correlationId both could be zero length, they could still appear in your numbers - could this account for the discrepancy?
If not, perhaps if you could reduce your search so you only have a small number of events with a discrepancy, and look at the actual events that are being included in the count to see if you can spot a pattern.
@ITWhisperer, neither of those fields can be zero length, but I'll try your suggestion of limiting the fields and seeing which one breaks it.
If they can't be zero length, use "+" instead of "*" - "+" means 1 or more, "*" means zero or more
Give this a try
Your base search
| table clientName, apiMethod, sourceSystem, httpStatus, version, timeTaken
| stats count as totalCalls avg(timeTaken) as avgTimeTaken by clientName apiMethod sourceSystem httpStatus version