I'm hoping to get help.
I have the below errors that are in the same event at in different lines.
i would like to get the 1st column as Error, 2nd as count and 3rd as App.
<Dsc>General Error:CODE0001-3032-CODE000-Error Msg 1</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd="EFG"/>
<Dsc>General Error:CODE0001-3032-CODE050-Error Msg 2</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd="XYZ"/>
<Dsc>General Error: Error, ANYTHING</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd="ABCD"/>
Error msg is always after "General Error:" I was able to get it but I want to add the App name in the 2nd line in the same event.
rex field=_raw max_match=100 ""General Error:(?<error>[\`\~\:\-\{\}\[\]\;\'\""\*\&\%\$\#\@\!\(\)\^\\=\-\?\/\.\,\\/\w+\d+\s+]+)<\/Dsc>""
The app name in the second line within the double quote.
The results should be:
Error APP count
1. CODE0001-3032-CODE000-Error Msg 1 EFG 1
2. CODE0001-3032-CODE050-Error Msg 2 XYZ 1
| makeresults
| eval _raw="<Dsc>General Error:CODE0001-3032-CODE000-Error Msg 1</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd=\"EFG\"/>
<Dsc>General Error:CODE0001-3032-CODE050-Error Msg 2</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd=\"XYZ\"/>
<Dsc>General Error: Error, ANYTHING</Dsc>
<RpBy AppCd=\"ABCD\"/>"
| rename COMMENT as "this is sample you provide. from here, the logic"
| multikv noheader=t
| fields - Column* linecount
| spath
| streamstats count(Dsc) as session
| selfjoin session
| eventstats count by Dsc
| rename RpBy{@AppCd} as APP
| rex field=Dsc mode=sed "s/General Error:\s*//"
| rename Dsc as Error
| table Error APP count
your log is XML, use spath