I have a CSV with 3 columns; Username, AD group, Logins (Logins being total number of logins for that user). I want to sum the number of total logins per Active Directory group. I started with:
|stats(count) by group
But that just gives me the number of times each group appears in the CSV (which generally equals the number of users in that group). How do I make it sum Logins per AD Group?
Any help is appreciated.
Use this. Your question describe the solution
How do I make it sum Logins per AD Group?
your base search | stats sum(Logins) as count by group
Use this. Your question describe the solution
How do I make it sum Logins per AD Group?
your base search | stats sum(Logins) as count by group
Thanks. The "as count" is what I was missing I guess.