How do I get the ratio for two values of the same field? When I run the following command:
host=web_app action=* file=* status=200
| stats dc(JSESSIONID) BY action
I get the followin output:
How could I get the ration of purchase and view action? What I want to see is how many people viewed the products and how many of them actually bought a product.
host=web_app action=* file=* status=200
| eval action = if(action = "purchase" OR action = "view", "p & v", action)
| stats dc(JSESSIONID) BY action
hi, how about this?
host=web_app action=* file=* status=200
| eval action = if(action = "purchase" OR action = "view", "p & v", action)
| stats dc(JSESSIONID) BY action
hi, how about this?