I have an input lookup table called mac_addresses.csv
It has sections for IP, MAC, & OS.
I can view it for i.e | inputlookup mac_addressess.csv
I have a report called Suricata IDS Report that includes the src_ip, dest_ip, severity, timestamp etc.... but no MAC.
Since the Suricata IDS Logs does not send the mac address of the systems on its network they are not ingested into Splunk.
I need to add the MAC addresses from the static lookup table "mac_addresses.csv" as a table/field in the IDS reports to its associated IP.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I followed Splunk guidance called - Knowledge/LookupexampleinSplunkWeb
I also opened a ticket but Splunk does not assist with custom configurations.
Thank you team, and hopefully, I can figure this out over the weekend.
I am open to a webex if you know how to, thank you.
Try this as I told you on email as well..
<your search so far> | lookup mac_addresses.csv IP as src_ip OUTPUT MAC
Also, for more information have a look at this example,
let me know if this helps!
This shouldn’t be too hard. You need a common field between your lookup and the search data. Say the src_ip address has a matching ip address in the lookup table that you would like to match a MAC address too. In your case you would have to rename or eval the common field name between the field in your search and the field in your lookup. Eg for src_ip field name in your search and ip field name in your lookup:
Your search | eval ip = src_ip | lookup mac_addresses.csv ip OUTPUT YourMACAddressFieldsName.