Hello everyone, I am trying to get the queue or event counts with status=“spooling” that happened after the very first error(status=“*error*”) occurred. How could I do this? Thank you in advance.
this is for our company’s printer server.
Please share some anonymised but representative events that you are dealing with, preferably in a code block to preserve any formatting data.
So I have events with:
sourcetype=winprintmon host=bartender2020
printer="*"(gets all printer) ex: zebra1065
could have status of "printing"/"printing,error"/"spooling"
so what I wanted to do is if a printer has error(status="printing,error") at 6am, get the events of that printer that has status="spooling"(which is the queue) that occurred after 6am and count them.
Desired result format:
printer name | Counts of spooling(queue) |
Hope this explains better, been dealing with this for days
Thank you so much in advance!