I am new to Splunk. I have below log which is capturing product id,
Header product-id, 12345678900
Header product-id, 12345678901
Header product-id, 12345678900
I would like to group by unique product id and count,
12345678900 2
12345678901 1
Here product-id is not a field in splunk. How can write a query for this?
Use rex command.
| rex "product-id,\s(?<product_id>[\d\.]+)" | stats count by product_id
hi @vel4ever
try this
| makeresults
| eval raw="Header product-id, 12345678900"
|eval ID=mvindex(split(raw," "),-1) |stats count by ID
I am not getting any results for this query. Thanks.
If your log is literally lines like Header product-id, 12345678900
then you can extract the last value (assuming all digits) and stats-by on that.
(your search)
| rex "Header product-id, (<productId>\d+)"
| stats count by productId
If this doesn't work, please post the actual events you get back and I'm sure people here can help!
I am getting error while running this query. And product-id could be decimal value too, ex: 123.4567.8900. Thanks