I'm having trouble getting concurrent events by host.
I can get concurrent key transactions for a single host, and it appears accurate:
* sourcetype="*iis" Target_Type="key" host="na5" | concurrency duration=TimeTaken | timechart span=1h count(concurrency)
But when I try to get this for all hosts (Grouped by host), it’s comparing the data on all instances, artificially inflating number of concurrent transactions per host:
* sourcetype="*iis" Target_Type="key" | concurrency duration=TimeTaken | timechart span=1h count(concurrency) by host
Any ideas?
This post has the best reply IMO
Concurrency doesn't have by clause. You may have to try something like this
Thanks. Hope we can get concurrency by clause soon. This seems like a very common use case. For now, we are going to use a dashboard with host selection in a dropdown.
I tried to get the query in strive's link above working. Unfortunately it doesn't work for our data. A lot of assumptions go into how your Splunk data is setup (start / stop / other transactions) to make this work:
sourcetype="*traceappender" | eval counter = if(searchmatch("Module.Begin"),1,-1) | sort 0 + _time | streamstats sum(counter) as concurrency by host | timechart span=1h count(concurrency) by host
I agree ... I repeatedly have had to use a cludge to get concurrency ... by ...