How to get an output containing all host details of all time along with their last update times?
Below search is taking huge time, how to get this optimized for faster search -
index=*| fields host, _time
| stats max(_time) as last_update_time by host
| eval t=now()
| eval days_since_last_update=tonumber(strftime((t-last_update_time),"%d"))-1
| where days_since_last_update>30
| eval last_update_time=strftime(last_update_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table last_update_time host days_since_last_update
This should be fast enough
| tstats max(_time) AS _time WHERE index=* BY host
| where relative_time(now(), "-30d") > _time
| reltime
| rename reltime as since_last_update
| eval last_update_time = strftime(_time, "%F %T")
Hi @Sangeeta_1 ,
please try this:
| tstats count latest(_time) AS _time WHERE index=* BY host
| table host -time
Thanks @gcusello for the help. But I am getting future dates like below, but the search was for the last time when I am getting any event w.r.t all the host. I have selected date range as all time. Can you please suggest here?
2031-12-11 08:40:08 |
2025-01-11 09:05:56 |
2024-10-30 08:12:49 |
Hi @Sangeeta_1 ,
with my search you should have the latest timestamp for each host, if you have future dates, probably you have some event not correctly parsed because it has future timestamps.
| metadata type=hosts index=*
Hi @ITWhisperer Thanks for your comment, but metadata contains limited to a certain time in history, like I can get the data for only last 30 days or so.
Does using alltime help?