I have voltage data and want to get the average volts value per day for the last 7 days.
This is where I left off from using bin to multiple timecharts and still nothing.
source="/root/Scripts/VoltageLogger/Voltage.json" host="util" sourcetype="_json"
| timechart span=1d count by avg(voltage)
This should work - you are not counting, but calculating average, so use avg(voltage) like this
source="/root/Scripts/VoltageLogger/Voltage.json" host="util" sourcetype="_json"
| timechart span=1d avg(voltage) as avg_voltage
This should work - you are not counting, but calculating average, so use avg(voltage) like this
source="/root/Scripts/VoltageLogger/Voltage.json" host="util" sourcetype="_json"
| timechart span=1d avg(voltage) as avg_voltage
THanks, was close but long day and brain stopped working.