Hi team,
I have two queries as follows
|inputlookup abc.csv |table file sla_time
index=xxx source=yyyy |table file2
file2 values are subset of file values. I want to print the difference between the file and file2 fields along with the sla_time from the first query.
Can you help me here
@jkat54 @vnravikumar
Hi @pench2k19,
You can use set difference for this purpose. This is similar to set in normal programming language or mathematics so this is even easy to understood. At the end use lookup command to get sla_time field.
| set diff [|inputlookup abc.csv |table file] [index=xxx source=yyyy | rename file2 as file|table file] | lookup abc.csv file output sla_time
Hope this helps!!!
Give this a try (giving list of file and corresponding sla_time from lookup abc.csv, which doesn't have a matching row in the search)
index=xxx source=yyyy |stats count by file2 | rename file2 as file
| append [|inputlookup abc.csv |table file sla_time]
| stats values(sla_time) as sla_time values(count) as count by file
| where isnull(count)
No luck @somesoni2..