Hello Everyone,
I am trying to find outliers in connection duration on a specific subnet but having trouble getting the outliers part to show any results. I want to get avg duration of all traffic connections from a subnet (or list of IPs) by sourceIP and application. So I am grabbing the average of connections in a 15m bin. After evaluating the outliers I want to display the time bin, sourceIP, application, AvgDuration and Outlier
I have tried following 2 queries till now and neither gives results when I try to get the results:
index=firewall sourceip=
| bin span=15m _time
| stats avg(duration) AS AvgTotal by sourceip, _time, app
| eval outlier=if(duration>AvgTotal*3,1,0)
| table _time sourceip app AvgDuration outlier
index=firewall sourceip=
| timechart span=15m avg(duration) AS AvgDuration by sourceip, _time, app
| eval outlier=if(duration>AvgDuration*3,1,0)
| table _time sourceip app AvgDuration outlier
This is just a test query I am trying, with plans to build on it. I think there something wrong in how I am calling the table. What am I doing wrong in the 2 queries?
Hi @Hisae
You're on the right track but after transforming the output into a table (with the stats command) you lose the duration field, so you need to output that as a column (field) too. Something like this...
index=firewall sourceip=
| bin span=15m _time
| stats
avg(duration) AS AvgTotal
max(duration) AS MaxDuration
perc95(duration) AS perc95Duration
BY _time sourceip app
| eval outlier=if(MaxDuration > (AvgTotal*3), "yes", "no")
| table _time sourceip app AvgTotal perc95Duration MaxDuration outlier
Hope it helps.
Hi @Hisae
You're on the right track but after transforming the output into a table (with the stats command) you lose the duration field, so you need to output that as a column (field) too. Something like this...
index=firewall sourceip=
| bin span=15m _time
| stats
avg(duration) AS AvgTotal
max(duration) AS MaxDuration
perc95(duration) AS perc95Duration
BY _time sourceip app
| eval outlier=if(MaxDuration > (AvgTotal*3), "yes", "no")
| table _time sourceip app AvgTotal perc95Duration MaxDuration outlier
Hope it helps.
Thank you! It didn't work as a copy paste but I made a few changes to make it work. This is what worked:
index=firewall sourceip=
| bin span=15m _time
| stats avg(duration) AS AvgTotal max(duration) AS MaxDuration by sourceip app
| eval outlier=if(MaxDuration>(AvgTotal*3), "yes", "no")
| table _time sourceip AvgTotal MaxDuration app outlier
I will try to make the 95th percentile work, it adds good context.
Thanks a lot!