Hi @alexspunkshell,
could you share your search?
anyway, you could run something like this:
| eval period=if(_time>now()-86400,"Last 24 hours","Previous")
| stats
dc(period) AS period_count
values(period) AS period
latest(if(evalperiod="Last 24 hours",_time,"") AS latest_last_24_hours
latest(if(evalperiod="Previous",_time,"") AS latest_previous
BY IP user
| where period_count12 AND period="Previous"
| eval latest_previous=strftime(latest_last_24_hours,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table IP user latest_previous
Anyway, see my approach and adapt it to your requirements.
eventType IN (security.threat.detected, security.internal.threat.detected)
|rename client.userAgent.rawUserAgent as User_Agent client.geographicalContext.city as Src_City client.geographicalContext.state as src_state client.geographicalContext.country as src_country displayMessage as Threat_Description signature as Signature client.device as Client_Device client.userAgent.browser as Client_Browser
| stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by src_ip user Signature Threat_Description Client_Device eventType Src_Details Src_City User_Agent Client_Browser
Hi @alexspunkshell,
I don't understand the structure of your search,
anyway, the raw "| search NOT idp_user" requires something after the field, otherwise Splunk excludes only events with the string "idp_user".
like the following | search NOT idp_accountname IN (*idp*references*): you'll never have results and you cannot check it because you are working with the NOT operator.
You could modify the stats command using my approach and the following check:
| rex field=_raw "user (?<idp_user>\d+\S+)"
| search NOT idp_user=* NOT actor.alternateId="*idp*" eventType IN (security.threat.detected, security.internal.threat.detected)
| rex field=debugContext.debugData.url "\S+username\=(?<idp_accountname>\S+idp-references)"
| regex src_ip!="47.37.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}"
| search NOT idp_accountname IN ("*idp*references*")
|rename client.userAgent.rawUserAgent as User_Agent client.geographicalContext.city as Src_City client.geographicalContext.state as src_state client.geographicalContext.country as src_country displayMessage as Threat_Description signature as Signature client.device as Client_Device client.userAgent.browser as Client_Browser
| strcat "Outcome Reason: " outcome.reason ", Outcome Result: " outcome.result Outcome_Details
| strcat "Source Country: " src_country ", Source State: " src_state Src_Details
| eval period=if(_time>now()-86400,"Last 24 hours","Previous")
| eventstats
dc(period) AS period_count
BY IP user
| stats
values(period_count) AS period_count
min(_time) as firstTime
max(_time) as lastTime
by src_ip user Signature Threat_Description Client_Device eventType Src_Details Src_City Outcome_Details User_Agent Client_Browser outcome.reason
| where period_count=1
| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
| `okta_threatinsight_suspected_passwordspray_attack_filter`
| `okta_threatinsight_threat_detected_filter`
As I said, try to adapt the approach of my search to your.
@gcusello Thanks for your help.
I tried all the changes in the SPL too. However, period_count is showing 1.
Hence i am unable to filter in results.
Hi @alexspunkshell,
if period_count=1 means that the event is present only before last 24 hours or inside last 24 hours, but not in both the periods.
For all the results i am getting period_count=1.
Whereas only a few IP are used my user="*@xyz.com*" in the last 30 days.
I want to particularly filter if, the IPs were used by user="*@xyz.com*".
@gcusello SPL Used
|rename client.userAgent.rawUserAgent as User_Agent client.geographicalContext.city as Src_City client.geographicalContext.state as src_state client.geographicalContext.country as src_country displayMessage as Threat_Description signature as Signature client.device as Client_Device client.userAgent.browser as Client_Browser
| strcat "Outcome Reason: " outcome.reason ", Outcome Result: " outcome.result Outcome_Details
| strcat "Source Country: " src_country ", Source State: " src_state Src_Details | eval period=if(_time>now()-86400,"Last 24 hours","Previous")
| eventstats
dc(period) AS period_count
BY src_ip user
| stats
values(period_count) AS period_count
min(_time) as firstTime
max(_time) as lastTime
by src_ip user Signature Threat_Description Client_Device eventType Src_Details Src_City Outcome_Details User_Agent Client_Browser outcome.reason
Hi @alexspunkshell,
please try this:
|rename client.userAgent.rawUserAgent as User_Agent client.geographicalContext.city as Src_City client.geographicalContext.state as src_state client.geographicalContext.country as src_country displayMessage as Threat_Description signature as Signature client.device as Client_Device client.userAgent.browser as Client_Browser
| strcat "Outcome Reason: " outcome.reason ", Outcome Result: " outcome.result Outcome_Details
| strcat "Source Country: " src_country ", Source State: " src_state Src_Details | eval period=if(_time>now()-86400,"Last 24 hours","Previous")
| eval period=if(_time>now()-86400,"Last 24 hours","Previous")
| stats
dc(period) AS period_count
min(_time) as firstTime
max(_time) as lastTime
values(Signature) AS Signature
values(Threat_Description) AS Threat_Description
values(Client_Device) AS Client_Device
values(eventType) AS eventType
values(Src_Details) AS Src_Details
values(Src_City) AS Src_City
values(Outcome_Details) AS Outcome_Details
values(User_Agent) AS User_Agent
values(Client_Browser) AS Client_Browser
values(outcome.reason) AS outcome_reason
by src_ip user
| where period_count=1
You can debug your search deleting the last row.