I have a search that outputs table data that looks like this:
hst code type
hosta 01 master
hosta 02 master
hostb 01 host
hostb 03 host
hostc 02 host
hostd 04 host
hoste 05 master
hoste 06 master
hostf 06 host
hostg 08 host
I am trying to filter events but i am unable to do.
My goal is to filter events based on this condition:
If the code on a master also exist on the host, then the host rows should be removed
So, my desired output should look like this:
hst code type
hosta 01 master
hosta 02 master
hostb 03 host
hostd 04 host
hoste 05 master
hoste 06 master
hostg 08 host
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @harryvdtol,
please try something like this:
| stats first(host) AS host BY code type
| table host code type
Yes thank you for your help. This is what i made of it.
| stats first(hst) as host by code type
| eventstats c as total by code
| where (type="master") OR (total=1 and type="host")
| table host code type
Hi @harryvdtol,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
Hi @harryvdtol,
please try something like this:
| stats first(host) AS host BY code type
| table host code type