I am trying to fetch data of weekly successful, failed and warning event counts. I want 5 days data to be shown daywise on line chart. I am using this query. I need modification to show it on line chart which represents date and count of successful, failed and warning events.
index=outputsolutions host=*dxr22* Error | bin _time span=1d | stats count as dailycount by _time
Can you please help in writing it for me I am a newbie in splunk
Actually, the correct code should be
| timechart count by status
where status can have three values success, failed, and warning.
Can you describe your data and how to tell whether status is success, failed, or warning? Without these, everything is just guesswork.
Do you mean timechart?
| timechart span=1d count by successful failed warning
Obviously you'll need to define "successful", "failed", and "warning" in your search