X_wan-network` sourcetype=wan_syslog EventType=local6.warning "Login" | rex field=_raw “(?\w+;(?\w+)”
| table _time,host, user, Source, WAN_site_name, EventMessage | rename host as Node, WAN_site_name as Site_Name, user as User, EventMessage as Message | chart count over User , Source by Site_Name useother=f usenull=f
| sort - _time
If you sourcetype
your events the way that the Cisco apps expect it, then the field extractions should work. The sourcetypes
are like cisco:ios
, etc. If you show a valid raw event, I will give you the RegEx you need, but really, it should already be there for you.
hi jthomp7626,
There are Add-on built for most (if not all) Cisco products with all extractions pre configured.
check splunkbase and search for cisco, pick the right add on and Splunk your data