I have some json conforming to XDAS-v2 and, unfortunately, the spath command cannot make much sense of it. Is there a easy way to use this kind of json that I overlooked?
I tried to do some of it with props.conf:
Sample event:
Jun 18 12:28:31 IDM : INFO {"Source" : "IDM","Observer" : {"Entity" : {"SysName" : "chhs-sidm017"}},"Initiator" : {"Entity" : {"SvcName" : "CN=INTG2,OU=SYSTEM,O=SOME","SvcComp" : "\\Driver"}},"Target" : {"Data" : {"DATA" : "<status level=\"success\" type=\"driver-status\">Driver state changed to Running.<application>DirXML</application>\n\t<module>WORKER</module>\n\t<object-dn></object-dn>\n\t<component>Subscriber</component>\n</status>","MIME_HINT" : "3","ORIGINATOR_TYPE" : "1","TARGET_TYPE" : "1","TEXT3" : "Driver state changed to Running.","VALUE1" : "2","VALUE2" : "0","VALUE3" : "0"},"Entity" : {"SvcName" : "CN=WORKER,CN=IDM-INTG,OU=IDM,OU=SYSTEM,O=SOME","SvcComp" : "DirXML-State"}},"Action" : {"Event" : {"Id" : "","Name" : "Enable Service","SubEvent" : "30022"},"Time" : {"Offset" : 1434623311},"Log" : {"Severity" : 7}}}
The schema of the content is as follows:
"title":"XDAS Version 2 JSON Schema",
"description":"A JSON representation of an XDASv2 event record.",
"description":"The original source of the event, if applicable.",
"description":"The recorder (ie., the XDASv2 service) of the event.",
"description":"The authenticated entity or access token that causes an event.",
"description":"Attribute/value assertions about an identity.",
"description":"The target object, account, data item, etc of the event.",
"description":"A set attribute/value pairs describing the target object.", *
"description":"The action describes the event in a uniform manner.",
"description":"The event identifier in standard XDASv2 taxonomy.",
"description":"The XDASv2 taxonomy event identifier.",
"description":"A short descriptive name for the specific event.", eg. a new replica is added
"description":"Correlation ID, source#uniqueID#connID",
"description": "Describes the actual domain specific event that has occured.",
"description":"A short descriptive name for this event.",
"description":"Client-specified logging attributes.",
"Severity":{"type":"integer", "optional":true},
"Priority":{"type":"integer", "optional":true},
"Facility":{"type":"integer", "optional":true}
"description":"The XDASv2 taxonomy outcome identifier.",
"description":"The time the event occurred.",
"description":"Seconds since Jan 1, 1970.",
"description":"Milliseconds since last integral second.",
"description":"A tolerance value in milliseconds.",
"description":"Percentage certainty of tolerance.",
"description":"The time source (eg., ntp://time.nist.gov).",
"description":"A valid timezone symbol (eg., MST/MDT).",
"description":"The XDASv2 taxonomy outcome identifier.",
"description":"A representation of an XDAS account.",
"description":"A (URL) reference to the authority managing this account.", /* lets take it as the partition?
"description":"A human-readable account name.", - DN
"description":"A machine-readable unique account identifier value.", - EntryID
"id":"entity", - Server details for Target, client address details for the initiator
"description":"A representation of an addressable entity.",
Sorry to necro post, but dominiquevocat comment seemed the simplest way to go, and I think was almost there.
On the forwarder recieving the syslog from our eDirectory servers, i created a new eDir app and added a props.conf with
Defined in eDir Apps props.conf (sedCMDs to remove the preceeding “eDirectory : INFO ” and” IDM : INFO ”)
SEDCMD-StripEDirInfo = s/eDirectory : INFO {/{/g
SEDCMD-StripIDMInfo = s/IDM : INFO {/{/g
KV_MODE = json
and then set the sourcetype for that syslog listener to eDirXDAS.
The SED commands can be added to for any other strings that are being prepended to the supplied JSON.
To have spath work correctly, Splunk must recognize the output as JSON. With the leading "syslog-style" meta information, the event is now no longer "json" and won't parse correctly. If you have access to the output logger of the app, change it to insert a timestamp into the json, and only output the JSON on a single line with no other information around it. Notice the event below, and the two additional fields I added at the front.
{ "log_level":"INFO", "_time": "Jun 18 12:28:31", "Source" : "IDM","Observer" : {"Entity" : {"SysName" : "chhs-sidm017"}},"Initiator" : {"Entity" : {"SvcName" : "CN=INTG2,OU=SYSTEM,O=SOME","SvcComp" : "\\Driver"}},"Target" : {"Data" : {"DATA" : "<status level=\"success\" type=\"driver-status\">Driver state changed to Running.<application>DirXML</application>\n\t<module>WORKER</module>\n\t<object-dn></object-dn>\n\t<component>Subscriber</component>\n</status>","MIME_HINT" : "3","ORIGINATOR_TYPE" : "1","TARGET_TYPE" : "1","TEXT3" : "Driver state changed to Running.","VALUE1" : "2","VALUE2" : "0","VALUE3" : "0"},"Entity" : {"SvcName" : "CN=WORKER,CN=IDM-INTG,OU=IDM,OU=SYSTEM,O=SOME","SvcComp" : "DirXML-State"}},"Action" : {"Event" : {"Id" : "","Name" : "Enable Service","SubEvent" : "30022"},"Time" : {"Offset" : 1434623311},"Log" : {"Severity" : 7}}}
I have been struggling with the same problem and finally got it to work.
The first thing I did was to modify the default xdasconfig.properties file for the layout.ConversionPattern to not put the syslog level and time stamp and to only output the json event.
I found through searching many posts that INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS do NOT work on indexers. INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS are applied on forwarders. From what I can tell this is something that changed in version 6. Once I put the following in the props.conf file Universal Forwarder which has the xdas log file local it started working like a charm.
props.conf on Universal Forwarder
detect_trailing_nulls = auto
Finally, modify the props.conf file on the indexer to not perform search time indexing otherwise the fields will appear to be duplicated.
props.conf on the indexer
KV_MODE = none
AUTO_KV_JSON = false
Hope this helps!
Hi mschlereth, with these parameters the forwarder won't start anymore complaining about
06-23-2015 16:37:24.113 +0200 ERROR JsonLineBreaker - JSON StreamID: 13302974020879139619 had parsing error: Unexpected character while looking for value: 'J'
Also do you mind posting the setting you use to extract the timestamp from
{"Offset" : 1435057782}
hm, this in props.xonf on the forwarder seems to do fairly well:
I have not got around to getting the timestamp working. I was just using the index time as being good enough. I think TIMESTAMP_FIELDS needs to go in the props.conf on the indexer rather than the forwarder but not sure.
if i do
| eval tmp=substr(_raw,27) | spath input=tmp | fields - tmp
it looks pretty fine so i think if i get the indexing as json correct then it should work out of the box.
now in props.conf on the indexer i have
SEDCMD-StripHeader = ^[^{]+
KV_MODE = json
but it does not seem to work so well...