Splunk Search

How to edit my search to get the total count of two search queries?

Path Finder

I have the following query which gives me a Total count of 2 searches but after evaluating, I am not getting the Total count. Please suggest something. In the end I need the Total count: suppose TotalA =7 and TotalB=10, so I need to display 17 in my dashboard.

index=lts source="dbmon-tail://LTS_*" Track_Name = "*" |dedup  CreatedDateTime,Component_Id,Frequency_Mapping_Id|stats count(Track_Name) AS TotalA| append [ search index=lts source="dbmon-tail://  ||fillnull value=NULL Frequency_Mapping_Id  |dedup Component_Id,Frequency_Mapping_Id|stats count(Track_Name) AS TotalB]|eval Total= TotalA+TotalB |table Total
0 Karma

Revered Legend

The append adds results of two searches in row-by-row manner, hence when you'll get two rows (one from each search) with each row having only corresponding Total field available and other Total field will be null. (row1- TotalA has value, TotalB is null and so on). Thus when you calculate Total=TotalA+TotalB, it will be null as one operand is null. You should be using appendcols functions instead which adds search results column,

 index=lts source="dbmon-tail://LTS_*" Track_Name = "*" |dedup  CreatedDateTime,Component_Id,Frequency_Mapping_Id|stats count(Track_Name) AS TotalA| appendcols [ search index=lts source="dbmon-tail://  ||fillnull value=NULL Frequency_Mapping_Id  |dedup Component_Id,Frequency_Mapping_Id|stats count(Track_Name) AS TotalB]|eval Total= TotalA+TotalB |table Total
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