I've been using the query provided at http://wiki.splunk.com/Community:TroubleshootingIndexedDataVolume to get the indexed volume by host and I modified it a little to see the pattern - such as log stoppage.
My query is
index=_internal group="per_host_thruput" earliest=-3d@d latest=@d| chart eval(round(sum(kb), 2)/1024) over series by date_mday
which works fine but I would like to add another field (column to the chart) using eval or eventstats command such as finding the average (avg) or peak volume (max). If I was gathering this information by stats command then it would be easy but the problem is that I need to have at least 3 days of time range to see the pattern. Yes, I can use timechart which works but I have over 200 devices which cannot fit in a row (and this must be shown in a dashboard panel).
Currently, my query looks like this
series 26 27 28 50 48 24 4 8 2 1 1
which I would like to have this
series 26 27 28 Description(avg) Description(max) Description 50 48 24 xx xx 4 8 2 x x 1 1 x x Alert
Can this be done? or can it be done using stats command? The closest I got with stats command is this
index=_internal group="per_host_thruput" earliest=-3d@d latest=@d| eval D1 = max(date_mday) | eval D2 = D1-1 | eval D3 = D2-1 |stats sum(kb) by series D1 D2 D3
but it's not giving sum(kb) by date.
Here you go..
index=_internal group="per_host_thruput" earliest=-3d@d latest=@d| streamstats max(date_mday) as D1 | eval D2 = D1-1 | eval D3 = D2-1 |stats sum(kb) by series D1 D2 D3
Output is
series D1 D2 D3 sum(kb)
cc-index01 28 27 26 78107.664978
cc-index02 28 27 26 78186.546889
cc-index03 28 27 26 78157.350569
cc-index04 28 27 26 78496.797853
cc-licmgr 28 27 26 52702.763749
cc-sh1a 28 27 26 45635.153433
cc-sh2a 28 27 26 44189.015641
cc-sh3a 28 27 26 44197.826188
you can use streamstats or eventstats commands to take the max value of given parameter.
if you want total, avg, max & min of volume injection by each host on daily basis, then use the below query
index=_internal group="per_host_thruput" | bucket _time span=1d |eval MB=kb/1024 |eventstats sum(MB) as daily_volMB by series | timechart span=1d sum(daily_volMB) as daily_volMB , max(daily_volMB) as max_daily_volMB avg(daily_volMB) as avg_daily_volMB, min(daily_volMB) as min_daily_volMB by series
As you have 200 hosts and you seems to be looking for each hostname to be in row
index=_internal group="per_host_thruput" | bucket _time span=1d |eval MB=kb/1024 |eventstats sum(MB) as daily_volMB by series | stats sum(daily_volMB) as daily_volMB , max(daily_volMB) as max_daily_volMB avg(daily_volMB) as avg_daily_volMB, min(daily_volMB) as min_daily_volMB by series _time
series _time daily_volMB max_daily_volMB avg_daily_volMB min_daily_volMB
myhost 2015-01-05 00:00:00 808.219299412 28.864974979 28.864975 28.864974979
myhost 2015-01-11 00:00:00 16712.820512841 28.864974979 28.864975 28.864974979
myhost 2015-01-29 00:00:00 1703.033523761 28.864974979 28.864975 28.864974979
Thanks but it is the same as the query I put at the last. I need the sum for each day as shown above as well as extra fields (Description 1, 2 etc.)
You are using " ...| eval D1 = max(date_mday)" to calculate max value which wont work.
Updated the query in the answer to calculate daily sum, avg, max, min of volume injection by each host.
Thanks again but the whole point of not using timechart is because I have more than 200 hosts (in this case, series). As a result, when the provided query is ran, only the results (avg, max, etc.) of few hosts are shown and the rest seems to be aggregated as OTHERS. Unless there is a way to switch column and row, I need to find better way. The original question is to have another field (column) to already generated chart which is possible for the table generated by stats command. What I meant by adding another field is not limited to avg or max but the field generated by eval command as well which enable us to do all kind of stuff.
Regarding your original question, you can add columns using eval, eventstats, streamstats..etc