index="os" sourcetype="Service" status=* (Group="Data/Config" OR Group="Secure") AND (Section="Site Problem" OR Section="Local health") AND (Component="connectivity" OR Component="health")|dedup _time,CaseNumber|where Created_ON=Updated_ON| eval days = (Now() - _time) /86400| eval days_ago = case(days 60, "2-3months",days< 60 AND days > 30, "1-2 months",days< 28 AND days > 14, "2-4 weeks",days< 14 AND days > 7, "1-2 weeks",days< 7 AND days > 5, "5-7days", days < 5 AND days > 2, "2-5 days", days < 2 AND days > 1, "2 Days", days < 1, "Less than 1 Day")| chart count by days_ago,Group|sort days_ago
most cases have both (Group="Data/Config" OR Group="Secure").
initially (Group is "Data/Config") then after some time it change to (Group="Secure").when i count by group,it is showing initial Group name for that case.it is not showing to current group.
i want to display count by group with latest group name(i.e case that have latest group that comes under particular group not previous group)