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How to delete a bulletin


I have a bulletin message indicating that a restart of the splunk service is required due to enabling/disabling a splunk App. I won't be restarting the app for a while so I would like to delete the bulletin Message. The splunk user interface allows me to navigate to a section called Mananger/UserInterface/Bulletin Messages, and provides a delete link. However clicking a link on the message I'd like to delete causes the following error...Error occurred attempting to remove MessageHandler:restart_required_reason_1: In handler 'messages': Failed to remove message: MessageHandler:restart_required_reason_1.

Any idea why I can't delete this message, and how to fix?

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0 Karma


You can clear restart messages by going here: http://splunkhost:8000/en-US/manager/search/control and pressing the button to do so.


I'm looking at 6.0.0/6.0.1.

0 Karma


On which version? I'm at 5.01 I only have a single button to restart.. I'm logged in as admin..

0 Karma


There's two buttons on that page, one to restart and one to clear the message.

0 Karma


Perhaps I should have been more clear 😉 .. Is there a way to clear the restart message without restarting..

0 Karma

Revered Legend

You would have been seeing two bulletin messages I believe. restart_required and restart_required_1 or something like this. first delete restart_required and then other. Also, ensure you're logged in with admin account.

0 Karma
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