I am attempting to summarize data by a 12 hour reporting period. The reporting periods start/end at 8.
My search looks like this:
field1=value1 earliest=@w0+8h | transaction maxpause=5m maxspan=2h | bin _time span=12h | stats sum(duration) by _time
Unfortunately, it produces results starting at 7 am and ending at 7 pm.
I have tried:
It seems like something to do with the bin span as the problem, but I don't know how to fix it.
Unfortunately, I can't provide anything but generic examples of my data since I work in industry.
The simplest way is to force a temporary frame of reference that lets things work as they are now, and then shift back at the end, like this:
field1=value1 earliest=@w0+8h | eval _time = _time - 3600 | transaction maxpause=5m maxspan=2h | bin _time span=12h | stats sum(duration) by _time | eval _time = _time + 3600