I am looking for the best way to alert when a field value is not within a normal input range?
For example, I have a field called 'Account_ID" and the only normal value should be 1 to 5 digits long, like 99999.
I want to create an alert that triggers if Account_ID = is not a number but contains any characters other than numbers or greater than 5 digits.
For example Account_ID = 87347 (good) Account_ID = 848/'A$ (bad - alert) or Account_ID = 9938848994994 (bad)
Thank you for your help.
@Log_wrangler, try the following eval | eval validation_result= if((!isnum(Account_ID)) OR (isnum(Account_ID) AND (len(Account_ID)<=0 OR len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good")
Following is a run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval Account_ID="87347,848/'A$,9938848994994"
| makemv Account_ID delim=","
| mvexpand Account_ID
| eval validation_result= if((!isnum(Account_ID)) OR (isnum(Account_ID) AND (len(Account_ID)<=0 OR len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good")
It sounds like you are looking for the regex command. Using this you will filter out ( !=
) events whose account_id field matches your regular expression pattern of what makes a valid account id, and then alert if any events are left.
Thank you (everyone) for the replies.
What I would like to do is run a search (for example daily) that returns a list of all the Account_IDs and checks for bad Account_IDs and returns a list of Bad_IDs.
I was thinking about using a != regex match but will that slow performance?
any suggestions on how to write the eval Account_ID != regex then list new field bad_ID?
Thank you
Thank you again Acharlieh.
I do like your idea about not matching a regex pattern.
I think I will ask this specific question in the future.
@Log_wrangler, try the following eval | eval validation_result= if((!isnum(Account_ID)) OR (isnum(Account_ID) AND (len(Account_ID)<=0 OR len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good")
Following is a run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval Account_ID="87347,848/'A$,9938848994994"
| makemv Account_ID delim=","
| mvexpand Account_ID
| eval validation_result= if((!isnum(Account_ID)) OR (isnum(Account_ID) AND (len(Account_ID)<=0 OR len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good")
I like your query, however there is a problem, if the Account_ID value <=0 , like 000 I want that to be "bad', however I will accept your answer because it is mostly successful. I am looking for the syntax for the eval statement to look at number value instead of length. Please share if you know it.
Thank you
IF there is a better way please let me know, but here is what I built off your base code
index=A sourcetype=A_logs | eval Account_ID_format = if((!isnum(Account_ID)) OR (Account_ID=0) OR (isnum(Account_ID) AND (len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good") | search Account_ID_format = bad | stats values(Account_ID_format) by Account_ID
@Log_wrangler, please try out the following search. I have updated the validation condition, and performing tonumber()
conversion as a separate step.
index=A sourcetype=A_logs
| stats count by Account_ID
| eval Account_ID=tonumber(Account_ID)
| eval Account_ID_format= if((isnull(Account_ID)) OR ((Account_ID<=0) OR (len(Account_ID)<=0 OR len(Account_ID)>5)),"bad","good")
| search Account_ID_format = bad
Notice that I have moved stats up and am performing stats on Good Account Ids as well. But filtering only the bad results in the end. Performing streaming command(eval) on the results of a transforming command (stats) should perform better.
hello @Log_wrangler
try out the following search:
| makeresults count=1
| eval Account_ID = "2345564,12345,9999999999,342A@,12345$%^"
| makemv delim="," Account_ID
| mvexpand Account_ID
| eval char_count = len(Account_ID)
| eval num_or_string = if(isnum(Account_ID),"Number","String")
from there you can set your alert: | where char_count > 5 ....
see also screen shot:
Thank you for your reply, I chose to follow the first response bc it seemed easier, but you have a good idea too, which I will refer to in the future.