i would like to create chart that contain two different x axis and one y axis using xyseries command
but i couldn't locate the correct syntax the guide say that correct synatx as below but it's not working for me
xyseries x-fieldname y-name-field y-data-field
ex: xyseries x-host x-ipaddress y-name-sourcetype y-data-value
any help please!
thanks in adavnce
It will be a 3 step process, (xyseries will give data with 2 columns x and y).
Step 1) Concatenate your x-host and x-ipaddress into 1 field, say temp
Step 2) Run your xyseries with temp y-name-sourcetype y-data-value.
Step 3) Use Rex/eval-split to separate temp as x=host and x-ipaddress
index=_internal | stats count by sourcetype source component | eval temp=source."#".component | xyseries temp sourcetype count
| rex field=temp "(?<source>.*)#(?<component>.*)" | fields - temp
It will be a 3 step process, (xyseries will give data with 2 columns x and y).
Step 1) Concatenate your x-host and x-ipaddress into 1 field, say temp
Step 2) Run your xyseries with temp y-name-sourcetype y-data-value.
Step 3) Use Rex/eval-split to separate temp as x=host and x-ipaddress
index=_internal | stats count by sourcetype source component | eval temp=source."#".component | xyseries temp sourcetype count
| rex field=temp "(?<source>.*)#(?<component>.*)" | fields - temp
Thanks for your solution - it helped.
many thanks for your answer